10 Reasons To Replay Final Fantasy IX After 20 Years

6. Quirky Enemies

Final Fantasy IX intro

Not just the antagonists of the story, but the monsters you stumble upon in dungeons, forests and fields. They’re some of the most interesting, kooky, and crazy of any in the series.

There’s the Gimme Cat, who tries to fool the party, and has a smile reminiscent of a Lewis Carroll character. There’s also an enemy you’ll frequently fight called Jabberwock – we’re noticing a theme here – and a deceivingly cute Feather Circle.

They might not be as absurd as the houses you fight in VII’s Midgar, but they’re consistently challenging, and provide plenty of interesting Enemy Skill moves to learn.

All this being said, not all of the enemies in the field are out to get you. There are a series of “friendly enemies” that merely ask you for an item. In return, there’ll give you a generous amount of AP, before asking you to give their regards to their friends. Wholesome stuff.


An all round nerd from North Wales.