10 Reasons It Totally Sucked To Be A Gamer In 2013
4. GTA: V Online Promises
GTA V's online failings were such a monumental disappointment that the whole situations deserves its own place on this list. Rockstar not only hyped their newest GTA, but said that all the promises that were broken with GTA: 4 Online would be mended. Oh Rockstar how you toy with my emotions. Rockstar announced that they were going to release the online portion of GTA: V if memory serves a week after the release of the actual game. And, when the agony of said week was finally over, gamers were treated to more error messages than a Mac trying to run Flash. It glitched out, the characters wouldn't save, and players would be thrown in and out of parties, and even more fatally, you couldn't run or fire weapons, or any of those simple things you expect from gameplay. This was a source of endless aggravation because Rockstar already delayed GTA V once, and then delayed the online mode to run a fine-tooth comb through it to make doubly sure that there were no game breaking issues in sight. Which they didn't achieve. Yes now, we can all play without running into ninety eight percent of the problems faced first time around, but it's too late.
Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.