10 Reasons Twilight Princess Is Actually The Best Zelda Game Ever

8. A Truly Unique Art Style

Although The Wind Waker originally caught most of the fanbase flack for its art style, Twilight Princess has since drawn scorn for its bizarre and grimy looks that are criticized for lacking character. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. Twilight Princess isn't as vibrant or jaw-dropping as other Zelda games, but what it does have is one of the most unique and challenging art styles ever presented in a video game. Although clearly inspired in some ways by The Lord of the Rings - like most modern fantasy titles - we've never really seen anything like Twilight Princess's faded neon hues and almost sci-fi character design, interspersed with a fantastical sensibility. Not to mention that the faded splendour theme of the visuals actually ties into the story in a way that no other Zelda's have ever done. Even when it's not at its best, Twilight Princess presents a style that is simply unlike anything else out there.

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.