10 Reasons Twilight Princess Is Actually The Best Zelda Game Ever

5. A Companion That Is Actually Fun To Have Around

Ever since Navi ground the gears of players everywhere with her infamous "Hey! Listen!" hints, Nintendo has decided to saddle the hero of time with a companion in all of this 3D adventures. While most were better than Navi, they all tend to lean towards annoying. Except for Midna, that is. Not only is Midna far from annoying, as the titular Twilight Princess she is actually a vital part of the experience. Her motivations are somewhat mysterious for much of the game, making the slow revelation of her full role in this world all the more intriguing. Even better, Midna's sarcastic and dry nature provides an air of welcome personality and humour to the game that the mostly mute Link never quite could. Midna is one of the greatest characters The Legend of Zelda franchise ever produced, and sets a pretty impossible bar of excellence for any future companions we may get.

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.