10 Reasons Twilight Princess Is Actually The Best Zelda Game Ever

4. The Mounted Combat Is Fantastic

While Twilight Princess isn't a chronological sequel to Ocarina of Time - although given the complexity of the Zelda timeline that's a little muddy - it is the game's spiritual successor from a design standpoint. Among its design improvements over that classic would be the long-awaited implementation of mounted combat into the Zelda series. This gameplay idea was hyped heavily during the game's promotion and thankfully lived up to most of that hype once we actually got our hands on it. The mounted combat itself isn't exactly revolutionary, but it aids the riding sections tremendously by giving the player something to do. Furthermore, there are specific sections such as the stagecoach escort mission that wouldn't have been possible without this mechanic and are among the most memorable in all the franchise. Mounted combat fits the Zelda series like a glove and makes going back to 3D Zelda games without it kind of difficult.

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.