10 Reasons Why Quake Is The Hardest FPS Of All Time

4. Anything To Win

Quake Champions big man with big gun
Mad Dog

An aspect that is wholly unique to Quake is the tendency of players to turn off all textures in the game, which leaves it looking like a drab monochromic game that is still in the early stages of development.

Why do Quake players subject their eyes to such torture? Well, because they will resort to anything just to gain a slight edge over their opponents. They would argue that textures are distracting and to a certain extent they are right, albeit a little crazy.

Crosshairs are tweaked for optimal aim, enemy models are changed for larger surface areas to shoot, and even the field of view is tampered with. Not only that, but Quake players also turn off their weapon models so that they can focus solely on the crosshair without those non-functional aesthetics taking up unnecessary space on the screen.

If these are the types of opponents that you face in Quake, it is no wonder people would rather steer clear of that madhouse.


Ever since I saw BJ grin as he picked up the chain gun in Wolfenstein 3D, I've been hooked on video games. My first love, however, was Counter-Strike 1.3 and I would beg my mom to take me to Internet cafés just so I could play it. The other two games that captured my heart were World of Warcraft and Quake, though I play all sorts of games (especially of the competitive multiplayer type). Oh, and I love dwarves and write fantasy stories about them in my free time.