10 Reasons Why We're Still Playing Skyrim

9. Lack Of Competition

Dragon's Dogma There's no denying that Skyrim is an incredible RPG offering. This will only guarantee it has a lasting appeal if no other game comes along that can top its quality, though. Gaming is a seriously fast-paced industry, and a game that is topping charts and getting everybody talking in one week can quickly be eclipsed and forgotten about mere days later. The RPG genre has had its limits stretched recently, but Fantasy RPGs like Skyrim are still the most numerous on the market. Since Skyrim's release in November last year there have been a number of contenders looking to usurp its throne. The reality is, though, that they haven't even come close. Since picking up Skyrim last year I've bought two other fairly big name Fantasy RPGs; 'Dragon's Dogma' and the PC to XBOX port 'The Witcher'. I had high hopes for both of these games; despite sharing very similar core mechanics to Skyrim each had their own features that seemed unique and intriguing - enough to warrant putting a few hours of play time into them, at least. After about a week with each game, though, I quickly found myself reverting back to old faithful Skyrim. That's not to say that these games were bad games; the huge monster battles in 'Dragon's Dogma' offered a thrilling experience and the mature plot of 'The Witcher' made me feel like I was in a particular tense episode of 'Game of Thrones'. In spite of these interesting features, though, neither game was able to capture the huge and dynamic world the Skyrim offers to players. Skyrim almost feels real while you're playing, and in the end these other games just served as a reminder to what I was missing while not playing Skyrim. This lack of meaningful competitors is definitely a reason we're still playing Skyrim.
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.