10 Reasons Xbox One Owners Are Jealous Of The PS4

3. Remote Play For Vita

Another massive tick in the Playstation's box is its remote play feature for PS Vita which allows you to play your stunning high definition PS4 games on your hand held device. This is an absolute incredible offering from Sony and something which Microsoft misses out on by not having a native hand held platform. While it is bringing game streaming to PC and Tablet along with Windows 10, it still lags some way behind in terms of the the streaming offered to the PS Vita. It's not just PS Vita either, with PSTV the Playstation can be streamed to another TV in the house and you can even play your games using a Sony Xperia smartphone. Once again Sony has a full understanding of the way that people play games changing, something which Microsoft is only beginning to catch up with.


Freelance writer and Web Editor. | Once won a Cosmopolitan Award. No idea why. | @MichaelJayPark