10 Reasons You Need To Stop Being Snobby About Mobile Games
9. Nostalgia On Tap
Remember Snake? Of course you do, and if you don’t (you young thing, you) you can play a thousand slightly different clones all available now in the app or Play Store of your choice. You see games - like most other mediums - love a good dose of retro, and what better way to spend your increasingly sparse game time than in the happy glow of nostalgia?
Mobile games are serving us well with not only blasts from the past ported to iOS & Android, but also delivering us rich gaming history in the form of genres that no longer exist in the eyes of mainstream studios. Classic arcade titles & adventure series' all ready for some finger-tapping action can be recreated for low costs by smaller studios and sometimes, even by just one person.
We’ve all heard the stats about the average gamer being 34-39 years old, yes?
For us oldies, nostalgia is a powerful force, able to call to those who long since eschewed gaming and the need to keep up with generation cycles, coupled with the increasing expense of the medium as a hobby. If an app of a Space Invaders rip off tempts someone to get back into video games - even just mobile games - it re-opens that world to them.
Who knows how many gamers out there who couldn’t fathom emulators in years gone past have now taken to re-living their gaming youth through smartphones? Surely, this is a GREAT thing?