10 Reasons You Should Be Playing The Elder Scrolls Online

2. One Tamriel

the elder scrolls online

An update for the game recently launched by the name of One Tamriel which opens all the previously locked alliance borders. Instead of having to join a specific alliance to explore a specific land, you can now wander freely to your hearts content. Where someone in the Daggerfall covenant couldn’t explore Skyrim, now they can.

With the new freedom, the game feels more open than ever, meaning that you can explore every corner of the game right from the beginning. Not to mention that enemies will scale with you, meaning you’ll never find yourself facing an over-powered foe, and you’ll never feel too over-powered returning to the start of the game.

People who enjoy the exploration aspects of the game can now do so freely. Picking a direction and walking, is now even easier and roaming the lands can be a refreshing experience. Especially with so many places to see. Being able to wander freely across borders changes the game completely and makes it feel more like Elder Scrolls games of the past.

Cyrodil is still PVP, mind you, don’t go wandering in there blindly or you'll regret it.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.