10 Reasons You Should Play This Generation's Worst Video Games

8. Hatred

Battlefront 2 Dooku
Destructive Creations

Hatred is the first game on our list to hold itself up on shock value. It gained infamy from being violent, and that’s it. As you can imagine, a game where the developers prioritised shock first and content later is to be severely lacking in any kind of substance.

It’s a top-down shooter with a dark tone, extreme violence and a focus on killing innocent people.

What’s great about your only goal being to kill innocent people? The developers don’t have to bother writing a story!

So, why should you play Hatred? Because of the schoolboy wonder that it bestows upon gamers by simply talking about it. When someone says, the only goal is to kill people, it’s often hyperbole, trying to slam a game like Grand Theft Auto. But no, Hatred is really that shallow of a game.

Critics have praised the title in one area though: It’s not too bad of a twin-stick shooter, and holds up quite well in that regard. The atmosphere, such as set-pieces, dialogue and ambience seems to have also had quite a bit of attention given to them.

Ultimately, though, this is a game to grab on a deep discount, throw on for an hour when the internet is out and laugh at how childish it is in regards to what video games can be.

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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.