6. That Bank Robbery Mission
Many modern games become memorable for particular moments that really stick with players. While some can become victims of this and fall into the shadow of one defining event, Rockstar's GTA games have been so chock-full of such moments that they can coexist and be mutually appreciated. For GTA IV, that moment comes early in the second half when Niko teams with Packie's crew to tackle a bank robbery. The mission, while relatively short in comparison to some of GTA V's larger tasks, is as chaotic and intense as players would come to expect from the series. After a typically entertaining cut scene, the whole thing turns into a gigantic firefight with the LCPD as Niko & co try to make their escape with substantial sums of money in tow. This mission represents the best mix of small-scale, relevant humour and the grand spectacle of a huge third person shooter. The fact that it makes a repeat appearance and recycles cut-scenes later in the second DLC story speaks to how well-integrated and memorable this event was in the overall experience.
Gareth Cartwright
Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times.
Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.
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