10 Recent Video Game First Boss Battles That Totally Broke You

6. Diva - Streets Of Rage 4

Returnal Phrike

Anyone worried that belated beat 'em up sequel Streets of Rage 4 was going to be a watered down follow-up designed to appeal to more casual players had that fear evaporate within minutes of booting the game up.

This is the ultra-challenging side-scrolling brawler fans know and love, and left many players struggling to make it past its first proper boss fight against snake-totting punk Diva.

Diva is able to charge her snake with electricity and attack you with it, and her area-of-attack only becomes larger as the battle drags on.

She's also got a powerful double kick that can cause you a massive headache, and though she generally telegraphs her attacks far enough in advance, it's easy for a mistake or two to derail the entire fight.

Though Diva might seem positively trivial compared to the bosses that follow, for a first boss she can be absolute hell.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.