10 Recent Video Game Plot Twists NOBODY Saw Coming
2. Meeting The Gods - The Forgotten City
The Forgotten City was a complete surprise when it dropped in 2021, presenting players with a story where they played as a modern-day explorer inexplicably transported to the Roman Empire, specifically a city separated from the rest of civilisation.
The idea is that the city is overseen by gods who have implemented the Golden Rule, that being if a single resident sins, the entire township will be destroyed. You've been sent back in time - and caught in a time loop to replay the same day - to figure out who amongst the population is planning on breaking the Golden Rule.
If you think that's a lot to take in then, well, welcome to the first 10 minutes of The Forgotten City! The game's plot manages to get deeper and twistier from here on out, with a whole bunch of left turns that complicate your initially straightforward goal.
Though there's a bunch of endings, the most difficult to acquire, and the most surprising one, actually has you venturing under the city itself to speak to the god, Pluto. In this high-tech, futuristic environment, you're given the ultimate truth of the Golden Rule: it was a test for humanity put in place by the gods, and everyone you've met so far is already dead and in the Underworld.