10 Recent Video Game Plot Twists NOBODY Saw Coming

2. Meeting The Gods - The Forgotten City

god of war ragnarok
Modern Storyteller

The Forgotten City was a complete surprise when it dropped in 2021, presenting players with a story where they played as a modern-day explorer inexplicably transported to the Roman Empire, specifically a city separated from the rest of civilisation.

The idea is that the city is overseen by gods who have implemented the Golden Rule, that being if a single resident sins, the entire township will be destroyed. You've been sent back in time - and caught in a time loop to replay the same day - to figure out who amongst the population is planning on breaking the Golden Rule.

If you think that's a lot to take in then, well, welcome to the first 10 minutes of The Forgotten City! The game's plot manages to get deeper and twistier from here on out, with a whole bunch of left turns that complicate your initially straightforward goal.

Though there's a bunch of endings, the most difficult to acquire, and the most surprising one, actually has you venturing under the city itself to speak to the god, Pluto. In this high-tech, futuristic environment, you're given the ultimate truth of the Golden Rule: it was a test for humanity put in place by the gods, and everyone you've met so far is already dead and in the Underworld.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3