10 Recent Video Game Plot Twists NOBODY Saw Coming

1. Odin Is Tyr In Disguise - God Of War Ragnarok

god of war ragnarok
Sony Santa Monica

2018's God of War was famous for its plot twists, so it's probably no surprise that its sequel, God of War Ragnarok, was similarly built around huge narrative rug-pulls. And yet, fans everywhere were left with their jaws on the floor when it was revealed that Tyr - Odin's nemesis - was actually Odin himself in disguise.

What makes this such an effective twist is that, in hindsight, it's so obvious. Tyr himself is supposed to be dead, then suddenly it's revealed that he's actually just been imprisoned in a random Dwarven cave. After he's rescued by Kratos and Atreus too, his personality doesn't match the courageous soldier talked about with so much reverence in the first game. In fact, Tyr here is cowardly to the point of not even defending the heroes' home from undead monsters when they show up.

In the context of the game, we assume this is simply due to his imprisonment and torture by Odin. The gulf between mythology and reality is a theme present all the way through this series, and Tyr's surprising personality is just chalked up to the kind of subversion the writers usually play with.

Two-thirds into the story, however, it's revealed that Odin has been disguised as Tyr and spent the entirety of the game so far listening to your plans. Killing one of your companions and fleeing, it leaves the protagonists - and the player - truly shellshocked.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3