10 Recent Video Games That Totally Divided Players

3. Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora

Hellblade II

How well you'll vibe with Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora will largely depend on your fondness for the Ubisoft open-world formula - namely, whether you find it comfortingly familiar or snooze-inducingly generic.

But what few will dispute is the game's visual accomplishments, dropping players into James Cameron's one-of-a-kind world and keenly exploiting the eye-popping flora and fauna that reside within.

Yet beyond its superficial pleasures, Frontiers of Pandora caught plenty of flak for being an almost comically by-the-numbers open-world action game from Ubisoft. 

There's nothing in the gameplay you haven't seen elsewhere, and when tethered to a so-so story and characters, it ensured that many struggled to plow through its 20-hour campaign, even with such lush visuals to soak in.

Again, it's all down to your tolerance for formulaic gameplay, but given that Ubisoft has printed billions of dollars with this framework, it clearly is enjoyed by a great many players.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.