10 Recent Video Games That Were Sent Out To Die

2. Anthem

anthem game

You knew this was going to be on here, didn't you?

EA's Anthem is the biggest high-profile disaster of the year, and part of the problem stems from the fact that it very much feels as though it was rushed out to market. Despite being years in the making, the anticipated RPG is still utterly devoid of content, with plenty of people at launch asking the same question: what's the point of a looter shooter that barely has any of loot (but, admittedly, a lot to shoot)?

From the lack of any proper story, to limited customisation options to huge quests that are evidently only there to pad out the runtime via busywork, the game is incredibly barebones, and in no way does its admittedly satisfying mechanics justice.

EA and Bioware had to have known the game was lacking in these areas, but were seemingly content to push it out anyway either in the hopes players wouldn't notice or that they could salvage it later on down the line.

Sadly, the game wasn't so lucky, and Anthem feels like it was released as close to the end of the financial year as EA could get it to save face when reporting to shareholders.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3