10 Recent Video Games That Were Sent Out To Die

3. Control

Control Remedy

Control is an awesome game. In fact, it's one of the very best 2019 has to offer, with its ambitious bending of space and time injecting some much needed creative energy into what's been a pretty safe year so far.

However, that's also why it's such a shame that the game hasn't received the push that it deserves. Despite having a pretty vacant release window that could have maximised its impact, Remedy's latest title came and went with little fanfare - in spite of reviews which sung its praises.

Marketing for the title failed to capitalise on its weirder elements, and instead portrayed it as a kinda bland, by-the-numbers third-person shooter.

The name didn't help either. This is purely anecdotal, but simply searching for the game and buying it proved to be a real hassle, as trying to find the game in online stores more often than not brought up controllers and other accessories before the newly-released game you were looking for.

Hopefully it's enjoyed better sales than the post-release buzz suggests.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3