10 Recent Video Games That Were Sent Out To Die

6. Titanfall 2

Titanfall 2
Respawn Studios

When I mentioned in the intro about a publisher's hubris getting the better of them and thinking their game can sell no matter who it's going up against, there's no better example than EA. The company repeatedly makes this same mistake and then blames the developers for it, and Titanfall 2 was a disaster waiting to happen that everyone could see coming except good old Electronic Arts.

The sequel - which is one of the best first-person shooters of the decade by the way - was awesome, but it also acted as the sandwich filling between two tasty pieces of bread. That metaphor will make sense in a minute.

Respawn's follow up launched one week after EA's own Battlefield 1 and one week before Call of Duty: Infinity Warfare. That would be enough competition to bury any game, but considering those two behemoths are the top two names in the FPS genre, a genre Titanfall was still trying to break into, Respawn's game didn't stand a chance.

Even the wealthiest players out there won't buy three big-name multiplayer shooters within the space of three weeks, and fans opted to stick with the brands they were already invested in, which meant Titanfall 2 got the shaft. EA should have done better.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3