10 Recent Video Games That Were Sent Out To Die

5. Mad Max

Mad Max
Avalanche Studios

There will never be a moment I don't champion Mad Max on this here WhatCulture dot com. It's gotten to the point where I've defended it so much I've probably blown its strengths way out of proportion, but Avalanche Studios' take on the iconic post-apocalyptic franchise was indeed awesome, especially back in 2015.

It wasn't just a great title for Mad Max fans, but for anyone with an interest in open world games. Though other releases have done it well since, at the time the title fused its sandbox with its mechanics, making every activity meaningful as opposed to being yet another thing for players to check off a never-ending list of quests and busywork.

All of that was of course meaningless in the end, because Warner Bros. decided the game could maximise its impact by dropping on the exact same day as Metal Gear Solid V. While the two titles don't have too much in common despite being open world experiences, it was still a dumb move.

This was the first Metal Gear console game in seven years - and was being marketing as being the final piece in the franchise's puzzle - and after the public falling out between director Hideo Kojima and publisher Konami, everyone wanted to know how the end result turned out.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3