10 Recently Confirmed Truths You Didn't Know About Famous Video Games
9. Playing As Oddjob Is Officially Cheating - GoldenEye 007
Anyone who's played enough GoldenEye multiplayer with friends will inevitably get into an argument about whether or not it's cheating to play as the franchise's esteemed villain Oddjob.
The character's diminutive height allows him to easily slip shy of the game's auto-aim, which in conjunction with the N64's famously stodgy controls made killing him a major headache for everyone else.
As such, a lot of people made the gentleman's agreement never to play as Oddjob, even though it was technically within the rules of the game considering that he was a selectable character after all.
But a few years ago, more than 20 years after the game's release, we got cold, hard confirmation from GoldenEye's lead environment artist Karl Hilton and programmer Mark Edmonds, that playing as Oddjob was absolutely, positively cheating. Hilton said:
"We all thought it was kind of cheating when we were play-testing with Oddjob, but it was too much fun to take out and there was no impetus from any of us to change it."
Edmonds meanwhile called playing as Oddjob "definitely cheating," but also added that he preferred players to set their own terms - "Why not just let players decide on their own rules?"