10 Resolutions Gaming's Heroes Need To Keep

9. Dante €“ Take Comedy Lessons

I am admittedly a fan of the Devil May Cry reboot and certain aspects of the new Dante but that doesn€™t mean he€™s without faults. Sure he€™s just as stylistic in combat as ever and retains his cockiness, but I could probably deliver better verbal stings in battle than him. Let€™s just reminisce a little on some of the intelligent and sharp dialogue in Devil May Cry. You know, the game where Dante and a giant disgusting demon get into a verbal throw-down of yelling €œF*** you€ at each other before engaging in any physical activity whatsoever. Its dialogue that feels inspired by a 13 year old who has just discovered what swearing is. Now in comparison, old Dante told some cheesy jokes that made our eyes roll back into our heads, but there€™s a shred of creativity involved in there. I€™ll take cheese over Dante proclaiming in fun that he has a bigger package than his brother Vergil. It€™s not the swearing that necessarily rubbed me the wrong way, but the fact that Ninja Theory thought people would embrace such juvenile banter because it technically fits Dante€™s character. It€™s simply poor and lazy writing that drags Dante through the mud too.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.