10 Ridiculous Dungeons And Dragons Enemies You Won't Believe Exist

8. Flail Snail

Mauler Photo U1

If you were to make a list of non-threatening creatures, you would think the snail would be pretty high up the list. At first look, this creature seems like it would be comically poor at fighting. This can help to lull your players into a false sense of security.

This bizarre-looking creature is most at home underground. They are often hunted by other races as their bodies produce valuable resources. Their shells have innate anti-magic properties. With an intact one going for as high as 5000 GP. These are often used to produce anti-magic shields. However, you’re going to have to kill one first.

Having four appendages, this little creature can deal out a lot of damage each turn. Along with a shell that can reflect magic back, this is one hard Mollusc to crack.

If you do manage to chop off all the snail’s flails, something else happens. The snail curls up in its shell and begins to cry. This wail can be heard up to 600 feet away. The snail will just wait to die. That is unless a helpful party cast regenerate on its lost appendages. I can’t imagine a party doing that though, poor little flail snail.


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