10 RIDICULOUS Plot Twists From Recent Video Games

8. Diana "Betrays" Agent 47 - Hitman 3

Half Life Alyx
Square Enix

Hitman 3's finale quite ingeniously nests a couple of twists within one another, such that the ending is by turns ridiculous and ridiculously entertaining.

After learning that Agent 47 killed her parents, Diana decides to play both sides against the middle, ordering 47 to kill those who will prevent her from taking control of the shadow government Providence, before poisoning 47 and confronting him about murdering her parents.

It appears that Diana has handed 47 over to remaining Providence leader Arthur Edwards on a silver platter, but it's in fact revealed to have been all part of her Machiavellian plan to take Edwards down, insert herself as Providence's leader, and dismantle it from within.

A year later, 47 and Diana are seen working together in their usual assassin-handler dynamic, resetting the scales for a potential sequel. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster, right?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.