10 Ridiculous Things We Just Had To Go With In Bioshock

6. Lady Comstock's Ghostly Antics

Like most of Columbia's denizens in Bioshock Infinite, Lady Comstock revered her husband as a cross between a ruler and some kind of god. Unfortunately for her, he was neither or these things, but merely a man who had warped the minds of the populace and become so power hungry that he constantly craved more and wanted nothing more than to continue his line into the future. Rendered sterile by years of misuse of machinery that allowed tears to be created in the fabric of reality, Comstock in his ever-growing madness abducted Anna Dewitt - aka Elizabeth - from another reality in order to raise an heir to his legacy who would dominate the world using Columbia (which also doubles up as a handy heavy-artillery battle station when needed). The child was stolen directly from an alternate universe 'version' of Comstock (Booker Dewitt) and Lady Comstock, privy to this knowledge, kept the secret for several years. After a couple of years of this, Lady Comstock decided to break her silence and was promptly killed by Comstock, who then framed Daisy Fitzroy for the murder. Some time later, Elizabeth and Booker (newly arrived at Columbia) travel to Lady Comstock's tomb. Everyone's favourite lunatic Mr. Comstock then hacks into Elizabeth's powers to bend reality using tears and Lady Comstock returns as a half-dead, half-alive, all-screaming crazy ghost siren...thing. A lengthy battle then ensures where you must prove the storyline of what really happened to the lovely ghost lady in order to progress. If Bioshock Infinite wasn't already full of mind-bending twists and turns, this one may well have took the cake.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.