10 Ridiculous Things We Just Had To Go With In Bioshock

4. Songbird

A giant mechanical birdie that's fiercely overprotective of a girl kept isolated in a tower in a city that can fly? Sure, why not! Even though we'd become somewhat acclimatised to things outside the norm popping up in Bioshock 1 and 2, Songbird still took a bit of getting used to. Funnily enough, if you dig into Infinite's lore further and find the Voxophones, they actually reveal that Songbird was created as a result of Fink, a character in Infinite, collaborating with Dr Suchong of Rapture and getting his grubby paws on the schematics for the Big Daddy. Naturally it simply wouldn't be acceptable to have hulking brutes in big diving suits lumbering around a city in the sky, so he instead set to work on Songbird. Songbird was originally designed as a construct that would ensure Elizabeth remained imprisoned, but over time the crazy mechanical bird formed a bond with his prisoner and started bringing her gifts. In some ways, it was both Elizabeth's tormentor and her only friend and this bond - which mirrors that of the Little Sisters and Big Daddies - is what causes Songbird to try its hardest to get Elizabeth back. Nice story sure, but it's a giant freaking bird thing made of metal which has developed an obsession with a human female. Unfortunately the bond is severed when Elizabeth transports Songbird to the crushing depths of the ocean and watches its demise from inside Rapture. Oh well!
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.