10 Ridiculous Video Game Puzzles Everyone Cheated For

2. The World's Most Difficult Trick - Lufia II: Rise Of The Sinistrals

Lufia 2 SNES

Mid-90s SNES RPG classic Lufia II features a puzzle referred to as "The World's Most Difficult Trick", and they sure weren't kidding.

Though it initially seems like a relatively simple sliding block puzzle - with the goal being to slide the treasure chest box to the bottom of the screen - actually completing it requires an enormous amount of mental wherewithal and finesse.

An algorithm designed to "perfectly" complete the puzzle took a mind-melting 116 steps to solve it, so even if you're playing the game nowadays and can keep a YouTube video to hand, there's no easy shortcut solution to power your way through it.

In the days before the Internet, though, this thing took people days of committed playing to get through.

Unlike most of the puzzles on this list, though, The World's Most Difficult Trick is at least entirely optional. Otherwise, Lufia II may well have enjoyed record numbers of returns to stores.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.