10 Saddest Heroic Sacrifices In Video Games

6. Mass Effect 3: Legion

Halo Cortana
Does this unit have a soul?

Mass Effect 3 is an emotional roller-coaster of a game, where a vast number of story arcs come to a fitting and neatly-tied end (except for the actual ending of course).

Across all three games one of the lingering narratives involves the war between the synthetic Geth and their creators, the Quarians. The debut of the Geth character Legion introduces a number of mind-bending concepts, none other than the possibility that the robotic-alien hybrid race never wanted to go to war to begin with.

With the fate of every species in the galaxy at risk, the player as Commander Shepherd must unite every race together to fight the Reapers, and that includes uniting the Geth and the Quarians. After a chaotic battle with the Reapers on the planet of Rannoch, Legion changes the prime directive of the hostile Geth but at a cost.

In order to upload an upgrade that gives the Geth independence, Legion sacrifices himself in a tender scene wherein his fr-enemy Tali'Zorah offers him some parting words before dropping to his knees and leaving the game forever.

Gentle and familiar music plays over Legion's sacrifice, and we're assured that he died for the greater good.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!