10 Saddest Video Game Endings Of All Time

1. Final Fantasy X

Halfway through a game of loveable characters and blooming relationships, hero Tidus finds out the unexpected: he's not real.

Rather, he and his city were the physical manifestation of a collective imagination by the population of the real Zanarkand. Ever the hero, Tidus, battles on, determined to save Spira from his father-turned-sea monster, Sin, and its puppeteer, the summoner, Yu Yevon.

By defeating not only Sin, but Yu Yevon, the team end the cycle of destruction, but in doing so, the sleeping Fayth can finally rest. As they pass over to the farplane, the team watch as other characters dependent on the Fayth cross over.

The aeons, Auron, and finally, Tidus. With emotional glances and a ghostly hug, Tidus passes through Yuna as he leaps into the farplane, high-fiving his father that stands in anticipation to welcome him.


What are your saddest video game endings of all time? Let us know in the comments!

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Writer, aspiring author, and I won't stop travelling until I've seen it all. Whilst I might take a break now and then to rant about politics or muse over philosophy, I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves, buckle down, and spend some solid hours gaming!