10 Scariest Levels In Non-Horror Video Games

9. Detroit: Become Human - Android Graveyard

Detroit Become Human
Quantic Dream

The android junkyard in Detroit: Become Human serves two real purposes in David Cage's latest "interactive movie" of a game. It establishes Markus' desire to stay alive and maintain his free will, as well as add a slice of horror into an otherwise straightforward sci-fi game.

On its first wide, opening shot, it doesn't look all that intimidating. A junkyard full of robots instead of car parts, what could be scary about that?

It's when we take control of Markus, initially thought dead (or decommissioned, as he isn't alive), that we begin to experience the unnerving atmosphere in its entirety.

The heavy rain and haunting soundtrack add to this unsettling atmosphere too, as Markus starts to piece himself back together from parts of his fallen kin. Yet the most unnerving part is that unlike broken cars, some of these robots haven't given up the ghost in the shell.

Looting an android for spare parts, only to have reactivate in your hands is terrifying, as they don't want to accept their fate just yet.

The worst bit has to be Markus' ascension allegory as he climbs the pile, past the pile of still-twitching units.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.