10 Scariest Video Game Moments Nobody Saw Coming

8. The Evil Within's Trip Wire Trick

The Evil Within

The beauty of The Evil Within's horror comes from lulling you into a false sense of security almost immediately. That chainsaw-wielding maniac who just carved up the guy hanging upside down next to you? He's in another room, and all you have to do is steal his key.

Then, you can escape. Take that, Leatherface-wannabe, you're not going to be making Pedigree Chum out of Sebastian Castellanos, oh no. Just as you do outsmart this big idiot, grab the key and look to make a sneaky escape from his clutches though, the unfortunate detective you're playing as stumbles over a hidden tripwire and ruins his chances.

What a tease that was, Bethesda. Within seconds, and just as you think you're being eased into the game's stealth mechanics, Sebastian is being chased by the nightmarish creation he was sneaking away from and barely makes it out alive.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.