10 Scariest Water Levels In Video Games

1. Every Kaernk Level - Amnesia: The Dark Descent

amnesia the dark descent
The Chinese Room

Yeah, you probably saw this one coming. I’m almost definitely butchering the pronunciation of the word Kaernk but if you’ve played Amnesia I’m betting he’s butchered you at least once so let’s say he had it coming.

Otherwise known as the invisible water monster, this guy is discernible only from its growling, and fierce splashing footsteps. Proving you don’t need to see something scary to get a chill up your spine, the flooded cellar levels where you’re running away from an invisible growling beast lunging at you are arguably the most unplayably frightening in all of Amnesia.

And that’s saying something in a game infamous for its ability to shove you into the shoes of a vulnerable protagonist clinging onto his sanity in a literal house of horrors. Well, castle of horrors, but you get it.

Its guttural snarls are absolutely terrifying and there is something so entirely fear-inducing about hearing splashing footsteps grow closer behind you as you rush to jump on a nearby crate in the world’s scariest game of ‘the floor is made of lava’.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.