10 Sci-Fi Games To Play While Waiting For Mass Effect 4

3. No Man's Sky

deus ex human revolution
Hello Games

Reception to No Man's Sky goes two ways: people complaining about how shallow it initially was, or people complaining that people still praise it for persisting.

Well, I'm doing a bit of both.

Yes, it did initially suck. It was a shallow experience, no bones about it.

Yet whatever your opinion of Sean Murray and his "deceit", he has delivered on his vision for No Man's Sky. It may have taken a little longer in the oven (about four years longer), but its current is an absolute trip.

Whilst EVE Online and Elite offer the "realistic", simulator-esque experiences, No Man's Sky offers the simple and pleasing aesthetic instead.

Discovering planets and establishing bases on them, or owning your own freighter, is fun in itself. But teaming up with your mates, jumping in some newly implemented mech suits to explore with or hopping in your ships for some galactic shenanigans is a delight.

If you haven't experienced No Man's Sky, go in blind. You don't want your opinion coloured by either of the two above examples.

Disengage those trains of logic and have a blast exploring galaxies. When they look as good as this, why not?

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Mass Effect
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.