10 Sci-Fi Video Game Sequels Better Than The Original

7. Portal 2

Bioshock Infinite Booker Elizabeth

The original Portal is utterly adored, for good reason. While it is an incredibly short game, almost a tech demo for the new physics engine that Valve was working with, it is one of the most distinct and enthralling gaming experiences of the late 2000s. In particular, the level of depth in the puzzles and the chilling narrative involving the villainous GLaDOS ensured that Portal was heralded as a masterpiece upon its release.

Portal 2 takes everything great about its predecessor and improves upon it, creating an enthralling narrative experience that masters its central concept. While it doesn't have the benefit of the original in teaching you to see puzzles in a completely different way, it adds further complexity and dimensions to the hundreds of puzzles featured across the expanded runtime. Figuring out solutions has rarely been more satisfying in a puzzle game than it is in Portal 2.

The increase in scale is kept in the way the narrative is approached, subverting expectations and creating some of the most jawdropping gaming moments of the 2010s, particularly in the final boss battle's utilisation of the moon. It is incredibly well written and unbelievably entertaining.


An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.