10 Scrapped Video Game Boss Battles That Would've Been Incredible
8. Great One Beast - Bloodborne
From one Soulsborne to another, we arrive at the game that provided the latter half of the portmanteau - Bloodborne, a razor-sharp nightmare of a game that lurches from Hammer Horror thrills to Lovecraftian menace at the drop of a tentacle.
No other enemy type illustrated Bloodbornes all-encompassing approach to horror better than its Beasts - werewolf-esque enemies that had gone through enough body horror to make David Cronenberg blanch.
From the permanently aflame Watchdog to the skinned & mutilated Blood-starved Beast, each was as tragic as it was monstrous, and putting them down felt more like an act of mercy than vengeance. (Although it was hard not to feel vengeful when you were being repeatedly slaughtered by them).
Each Beast battle felt like a highlight in a game already full of them, and we could have had one more had the Great One Beast made the cut. Given that Bloodborne already has more than a dozen Beasts to slay, you can see why the developers felt one more would be overkill.
Then again, you can never have to much of a good thing, and we'd have much rather faced down the Great One Beast than banged our heads against the spell-spamming Micolash.
(To anyone who now shudders at the words "A Call Beyond", I feel your pain).