10 Scrapped Video Game Boss Battles That Would've Been Incredible

9. Undead King Jar-Eel - Dark Souls

Spider-Man PS4

Ah, Dark Souls. The game that spawned a genre and ensured any game with even the slightest level of difficulty would be labeled "the Dark Souls of platformers/shooters/horticulture maintenance simulators".

Dark Souls earned its notoriety through its meticulously malevolent dungeons (looking at you, Sen's Fortress) and some bastard-hard boss fights. The likes of Manus, Sif and Ornstein & Smough have battered many a gamer in the decade since Dark Souls' release, but if all had gone to plan there would have had one more adamantine roadblock to bar players' progress - Undead King Jar-Eel.

Given Dark Souls' infamously opaque nature, it's fitting that Jar-Eel himself is shrouded in mystery. There's enough of his code left in the game files to mod him back into the game, but beyond that it's anyone's guess how he would have fit into Dark Souls - both in story and practical terms.

One thing's for sure though - given how difficult Kings tend to be in Soulsborne games (Old King Allant, the Nameless King, the absolutely sodding Burnt Ivory King) there's every chance that Jar-Eel would have been another royal pain in the rear had he survived the editing process.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.