10 Scrapped Video Game Boss Battles That Would've Been Incredible

3. Mecha - Alice: Madness Returns

Spider-Man PS4
Spicy Horse

Normally, when a developer removes content from a game you can't really tell anything is missing. You could play all of Half-Life 2 and never realize the Hydra was meant to be a significant part of the game, and Kingdom Hearts II's Xemnas still felt like a complete boss battle even without transforming into a giant horse.

That's not the case here. Here, the editing department's trimming scissors left some embarassingly ragged edges on display.

Alice: Madness Returns' Mecha was so obviously meant to be a proper boss. It arrives at the climax of the first world, is piloted by two of the game's primary antagonists, and is standing in the middle of an arena ready and raring to go.

Then a giant teapot falls from the sky and kills it dead.

Game desginer Amercian McGee would later admit that the perennial game development bugbear of time constraints prevented Mecha being a proper boss battle. This is particularly infuriating, as Madness Returns was torn apart by reviewers at the time for its excessive length and repetitive level design.

It was a classic case of a developer putting effort in all the wrong places, and it was boss fight lovers who suffered for the game's lack of direction.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.