10 Scrapped Video Game Boss Battles That Would've Been Incredible

2. Doctor Octopus - Marvel's Spider-Man

Spider-Man PS4

Much like Spider-Man himself, developers Insomniac faced a difficult choice at the end of their journey. (If you've played the game you'll know what we're talking about).

In 2021 Ted Price, Insomniac's CEO, said that the fight against Doctor Octopus was meant to be a cinematically spectacular, knock-down brawl that would have covered all of New York City.

And while that certainly sounds better than what we ended up getting (a weirdly forgettable final brawl that paled in comparison to the spectacular opening fight against the Kingpin), Insomniac had a good reason for restraining their ambitions - crunch.

Ted Price stated that for the fight had gone ahead as planned, Insomniac would have had to force their developers to endure a hellish crunch session. They definitely made the right call in choosing a watered-down boss fight over their employees wellbeing, but we can't help but wonder about how stunning that original fight could have been.

With that being said, here's our advice to Insomniac for the upcoming sequel: Spend more time on the boss fights, and absolutely no time on making tedious stealth sections. That way, everyone wins.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.