10 Secret Details That Answer HUGE Video Game Questions

1. Mr Door's Identity - Alan Wake 2 (2023)

red dead redemption 2
Epic Games

To call Alan Wake 2 strange would be a massive underestimate. From its cast of oddball characters, bizarre sense of humour, and brain-bending mystery, the long-awaited sequel is brimming with developer Remedy’s idiosyncrasies.

One of the more peculiar parts of this game involves a mysterious figure known as Mr Door. Seen hosting a talk show in the Dark Place, his presence becomes a main fixture within the game. However, his identity is mostly kept shrouded in secrecy.

However, details found throughout manuscript pages scattered throughout the world can give a solid idea about who he really is.

The first clue comes in a missing person report that tells of a man named Warlin Door who vanished in 1988 after being struck by lightning. This lines up with a fight the Anderson brothers had where a monstrous figure took Odin’s eye before disappearing when hit by lightning.

The most telling details come when profiling Tor about Saga’s father. Alongside making cryptic references about doors, he also explains that her father left after some trouble. Putting these clues together implies that Warlin Door is Saga's missing father.

It's these kinds of wild revelations which has made Alan Wake 2 as wonderfully engrossing as Remedy's other titles.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.