10 Secret Game Over Screens That Were Absolute Genius

5. Grange Hill - Drugs Are Bad, Kids

In the 80s, you could apparently get a license to make a game about pretty much anything, regardless of how suitable it was for the medium.

Such was the case with Grange Hill, the BBC's "Eastenders For Kids" series from that time period. Also around that time period, there was a huge movement against drugs and drug dealers, resulting in PSAs on the TV and radio, and even games were made on the subject.

Can you see where this is going?

In Grange Hill: The Game, you play as two kids who need to sneak into school to retrieve their walkman (which got confiscated) before their mum finds out. There are loads of really weird game overs in this (supposedly children's) game, like having your legs bitten off by a dog, or falling over a loose paving stone, but the one that stands out is the one where you get addicted to coke.

Yep, during your adventures you come across a man in a "shifty leather jacket", offering you a bag of white powder. Should you not refuse this totally legit-looking man's offer (and this is a point-and-click, where you probably need to pick up everything), it turns out that you become a drug-addicted, grotesque, living zombie.

At least the developers were promoting drugs awareness, although maybe they didn't need to do that by terrifying the living daylights out of anyone playing their game.

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