10 Secret Levels In Iconic Video Games You Totally Missed

8. Braid - Epilogue

Jonathon Blow's little indie-platformer was perhaps a little too brainy for its own good; as many people started and got thoroughly confused by all its time-bending prowess, only the most devoted saw it through to the end. However, even those people were in for a treat as the credits rolled and they took to the forums of the land, as it appeared another level ending was possible; a story-heavy Epilogue, although it'll take some mastery of the game's powers to get there. Initially locked away behind a string of eight secretive stars (the first seven located in the levels 2-2, 4-5, 4-7, 5-4-, 6-5, 6-6 and 1-1 if you want to have a hunt yourself), it's the eighth one you'll need to find on the last level that'll then open up a door to a room known as 'Epilogue'. In here, as you traverse the level you'll get huge chunks of text that describe Tim's motivations far better than the more interpretive tidbits beforehand, and all-round it seems to be Blow's way of rewarding the best players with a concrete narrative they can fully understand. Whether you want the story laid out in such a blatant manner is up to you, but it's great to see a creator able to deliver on both the alluring nature of Tim's tale in the first place, before backing it all up in the end anyway.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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