10 Secret Origins Behind Iconic Video Game Features

7. Metal Gear Wasn't Initially A Stealth Game

Dark Souls seven samurai bonfire

Metal Gear is the game that inspired countless other stealth-based games such as Splinter Cell and Sniper Elite. The game’s emphasis on sneaking and hiding was unheard of at the time of its conception as combat action was the popular genre.

When creator Hideo Kojima was tasked to create a combat action game on the MSX2 computer, he experienced a technical difficulty. At the time, combat action games were commonly played on arcade machines. The MSX2’s 128kb memory couldn’t handle more than two enemies appearing on the same horizontal line without the display flickering.

Because Kojima did not want to make the lamest combat action game ever, he decided that he needed to change it's direction. Initially, he had this idea of creating a combat game just about escaping and running away but decided against it because it was “totally uncool.”

It was at that point that he had the idea of creating a game about hiding, sneaking, and standing still. For that to work, Kojima knew he needed a narrative about a secret agent infiltrating behind enemy lines. The end product is a story-driven game that focuses on trying not to be seen by enemies. Long story short, the stealth genre was born.

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