10 Secret Origins Behind Iconic Video Game Features

6. The Spies In Team Fortress Were Originally A Bug

Dark Souls seven samurai bonfire

The spies in the Team Fortress series are almost synonymous with the game. This class, however, was not present in the earlier versions of the game and was only incorporated later based on a glitch.

The Team Fortress series was initially a mod for Quake. Being a multiplayer action game, cooperation among teammates is essential for survival let alone victory. Unfortunately, there was a visual bug that occasionally made enemy players have the same colour as allies. As a result, players often found themselves falling victim to “friendly fire” from an enemy in an ally’s clothing.

In an ingenious move, the developer used the bug as the basis for creating a new class: spies. Spies have the ability to disguise themselves as a member of the enemy’s team. This new class added a dynamic element to the game and was well-received by Team Fortress players.

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