10 Secret Video Game Endings For Doing The Impossible

7. Kill The Patriarch - Wasteland 3

serious sam 4
Deep Silver

In Wasteland 3, your goal is to defeat and arrest the three rebellious children of the Colorado Springs' leader, the Partiach, in order to secure an alliance with him.

However, if you don't want to do all of that, you can always just defeat the Patriarch himself. As soon as I see him!

Yes, although the Patriarch is one of the possible endgame bosses, it is possible to backstab him right away in the intro of the game.

Possible to backstab but impossible to defeat as the fight that follows soon after is programmed to be unbeatable at the low level you are at the start of the game.

This said, the developers have actually included a secret ending for defeating the Patriarch early, in case anyone managed to cheat the fight.

Of course, since the only way to kill the Patriarch early is to exploit the game, the ending you get this way is actually a song about how much of a dirty cheat you are!

What? You thought you would be able to get away with bending the rules to beat the boss you aren't supposed to? Not in this game, you don't!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.