10 Secret Video Game Endings For Doing The Impossible

6. Killing Gandohar In The Intro - Two Worlds

serious sam 4
Reality Pump

Two Worlds is an old action RPG about a mercenary searching for his kidnapped sister.

The game has only one ending, but there are actually two different ways you can achieve it. One legitimate, and one that allows you to get the ending in the first twenty minutes of the game by killing its unkillable villain in the intro.

The main antagonist, Gandohar, is secretly hiding amongst the population of the starting location village. At this point you're not supposed to know who he is, and even if you did, you would have no way of defeating him as he's far more powerful than you.

Except, you don't actually have to fight him yourself.

With a little use of exploits, you can trigger the local village folk to aggro Gandohar and then watch as the villain is swarmed by a horde of angry pitchforks and torches.

The angry mob can take down Gandohar with ease, and his death in the intro will actually trigger the end game cutscene, allowing you to reach the ending without even stepping out of the starting zone.

Of course, there's no difference in the ending, but just the fact you can do it so early brings a whole new meaning to it.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.