10 Secret Video Game Endings For Doing The Impossible

5. Unplugged - Inside

serious sam 4

Inside is a deeply atmospheric but enigmatic game, where half of the time you don't know what's going on.

If you've played through it at least once, you know that it ends with your character merging into a giant human blob.

However, there is another, secret ending that requires the player to do so many specific things, along with solving incredibly cryptic puzzles, that reaching it borders on impossible.

To get the ending, you need to first finish the game normally and then deactivate fourteen hidden orbs scattered all over the map.

This will only get you started.

Once the orbs are deactivated, you need to find a secret bunker in the cornfield in the farmlands area and open the entrance to it using a fourteen-input long-tone sequence based on the sounds made by the VHS machines near the three out of the fourteen orbs you've found.

How would anyone figure all of this out on their own is anyone's guess, but if you follow these steps, you get to see the ending where your character unplugs himself from the mind control machine, taking away your control over him.

Yes, the twist is that you, the player, are the bad guy, but let's be real, the true evil is whoever came up with this insane puzzle!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.