10 Secret Video Game Endings That Took INCREDIBLE Effort To Unlock

1. Ending E - Drakengard

Drakengard Ending E
Square Enix

But perhaps no secret ending in the history of video games takes quite as much piss out of the player as Drakengard's infamous "E" ending.

For starters, you have to obtain the game's first four endings - which range from simply beating the game to completing all the side missions and sub-chapters - and then you need to collect all 65 of the game's weapons. Yup.

Doing so will unlock chapter 13, leading to an insane, hallucinogenic rhythm game final boss battle that really has to be seen to be believed - and ends with the player being shot down by some fighter jets.

Given that all the weapons you just hoovered up are of no consequence to how this ending plays out, it's clearly just another case of director Yoko Taro deconstructing the very nature of video games themselves - and thoroughly trolling fans in the process.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.