10 Secret Video Game Endings Unlocked By Dying

1. Mackerel Posioning - Nier: Automata

detroit become human kamski ending
Square Enix

Nier: Automata has so many secret endings, you might as well call it a compliation of secret endings with a little bit of game attached to it.

There are a total of twenty-six different endings in the game, and some of them require the death of your character in order to be achieved.

Out of these endings, the most hilarious one is arguably Ending K, also known as the secret mackerel death.

In Nier's world, mackerels are infamous among androids for being incredibly poisonous to them. However, if you're not one to follow warnings, you can actually get a mackerel from Jackass and then consume it to test if they are actually as lethal as everyone says.

As soon as you do, you'll realize that the rumors are not exaggerated, as the game will fade to black and prompt a secret joke ending, describing how the fish's poison slowly disabled your character's motor functions before killing them.

Funnily enough, according to the description, the death was totally worth it to your character, as right before they die, they think about how good the mackerel tastes and how they've realized why people used to consume them.

Well, at least they got a good last meal.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.