10 Secret Video Game Endings Unlocked By Dying

2. Suicide Mission - Mass Effect 2

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Mass Effect 2's finale is possibly the most intense in the entire series. It's a suicide mission where, at every step of the way, you need to make crucial decisions that determine your and your squad's fate.

In fact, if you manage to make ALL the wrong choices during this sequence, you can actually kill everyone, including Shepard, and get a secret ending where the galaxy's most famous commander doesn't get to come back home.

In order to kill everyone, you need to not purchase any upgrades for your ship and have low loyalty with all the characters you put in charge of the different tasks during the mission. This will make everyone completely incompetent at their job and cause all the squad members to drop like flies until Shepard is the last soldier standing.

In a last ditch effort to escape the Collectors ship, Shepard will try to jump towards Normandy, but because their squad isn't there to help them, the attempt fails catastrophically.

Shepard dies, and a secret cutscene plays where Joker informs the Illusive Man about the failure of your operation.

It's an absolutely bleak ending, but to be honest, you only have yourself to blame for not taking the time to work on your squad's teamwork skills.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.