10 Secret Video Game Mechanics That Let You Mess With NPCs

1. Secret Skip Button Ridicule - Fallout 4

Red Dead Redemption 2 Micah

Have you ever wanted to insult a particularly chatty NPC that just won't shut up? Well, Fallout 4 comes with an actual mechanic for it that even includes some secret dialogue lines for specific individuals.

Whenever you skip dialogue in the game (using the same buttons you use for choosing your response), your character will make small grunts or nod along to make cutting off the conversation more immersive.

However, if you skip dialogue using the right arrow specifically, the polite "yeses" and "go ons" will start to change to more annoyed responses where your character urges the NPCs to hurry up and even starts calling them names.

This is already pretty hilarious, but it gets even better when speaking to unique NPCs like Sturges or Momma Murphy, in which case the Sole Survivor will add personal touches to their insults, saying things like "grease monkey" or "ugh, old people." Furthermore, you can enter dialogue drunk, and this will also cause your character to slurry out their insults in a fit of intoxicated rage.

Now, the skip responses are entirely done for flavor and don't impact the gameplay, but it's still a hilarious and surprisingly advanced way of dealing with overly talkative NPCs.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.